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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ex-CBI Roundup

I was in  China-Burma-India in WWII. We had a newspaper called the CBI Roundup. It had articles of huge interest to us while serving in that far away part of the world. After the war several fellows began to publish the EX-CBI Roundup. I subscribed and have saved many copies over the years. Ever so often I pick one up and reread it. The magazine was mainly firsthand experiences we had while in the CBI theater of war. I read three articles that really were great.
       One was a story about a "Helicopter Rescue" in Burma in April 21, 1944. It was called the Y-4 and was used to rescue a pilot and three wounded British soldiers 100 miles behind Japanese lines. Very moving story. We are all familiar with show MASH about the Korean War and the use of Helicopters bringing wounded to the hospitals.  
       Another story is about a Liberty ship-Jean Nicolet being sunk by a Japanese submarine. There were 100 men on the ship when it was sunk and only 2 survived. The ship was hit by a torpedo and a few killed but most of the men were killed after being rescued by the Japanese sub. The Japanese sub crew then systematically killed the rescued men one by one. It is a moving story and is true not fiction.
        Another story was about rationing in the USA in WWII. When you are in the military in WWII that is something you didn't know much about. We were rationed but in a different way. Those are just a few of the wonderful articles I found in the Ex-CBI Roundup.

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